Universal Black O-ring Drier

5/8″ – 18 male O-ring drier 2.5″ x 8″ Black drier Great replacement for all aftermarket A/C systems. The Drier has a sight glass for use with R-12 refrigerant and two switch port

If you are replacing an existing receiver drier and do not wish to have another drier strap, choose the option below to not include it.

The drier can be used with all refrigerants.


5/8″ – 18 male O-ring drier 2.5″ x 8″ Black drier Great replacement for all aftermarket A/C systems. The Drier has a sight glass for use with R-12 refrigerant and two switch ports.

 If you are replacing an existing receiver drier and do not wish to have another drier strap, choose the option below to not include it.

The drier can be used with all refrigerants

Additional information

Weight2 lbs
