Shorty Standard O-ring Receiver Drier

Short o-ring receiver drier that can be used on most aftermarket o-ring A/C systems. The drier has 5/8″-18 Threads male o-ring fitting, and a female switch port.
The drier measures 2-1/2″ x 5-1/2″ tall, and has a sight glass on the top for R-12 systems.

This drier will have a drier strap included. If you are replacing an existing receiver drier and do not wish to have another drier strap, choose the option below to not include it.

The drier can be used with all refrigerants.


SKU: 4-1001 Categories: ,

Short o-ring receiver drier that can be used on most aftermarket o-ring A/C systems. The drier has 5/8″-18 Threads male o-ring fitting, and a female switch port.
The drier measures 2-1/2″ x 5-1/2″ tall, and has a sight glass on the top for R-12 systems.

This drier will have a drier strap included. If you are replacing an existing receiver drier and do not wish to have another drier strap, choose the option below to not include it.

The drier can be used with all refrigerants.
Below is an explanation of the driers operation, and why they should be changed.
The drier is used on many A/C systems. It receives refrigerant from the condenser. The drier is mounted either adjacent to the condenser or somewhere in line before the expansion valve. It consists of a tank, a filter, a drying (agent) desiccant, a pick up tube, and a sight glass (on some applications), the drier has several functions.
First the drier acts as storage tank. It receives the liquid refrigerant from the condenser and holds this liquid until the evaporator requires it. Requirements vary according to operations conditions.
Second the drier acts as a protection agent for the system. The portion of the drier that contains the desiccant absorbs moisture from the refrigerant. The desiccant is usually in the form of silica gel. It is important that the moisture be removed from the system, as it can be extremely harmful to the air conditioning system components and to the systems operation.
The sight glass is not used with R-134a, it was used on vehicles made before 1994 that used R-12 freon.

Additional information

Weight2 lbs
